Sunday 7 October 2012

First Moodboard

This is the first moodboard that I have created for this theme. It is an overview of what my current thoughts and ideas are for this project. As you can see, I really like the colourful skull designs and the tattoos that are inked all over them. I also like their wide range of accessories, including hair pieces, hair extensions, necklaces and clothing.This highly reminds me of pin-up dolls!


  1. interesting range of images, however where are the visual references to real 'Day of the Dead' Mexican interpretations? Where are the dolls, the sugar cakes, the lace banners?

    Much of this is a version of, that is a fashion interpretation. I would like to see more original images than this.

    Also, try to research into the background of the use of the skull face. This would give you a unique insight.

  2. Don't disregard your initial interest in the Chimbu Tribe, it is visually challenging and worth further investigation.
